Have you tried delicious restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet? When you have come to Mui Ne Phan Thiet, don’t just admire the scenery and return, so it’s a pity for the trip to this famous place. Of course, when traveling, it will be indispensable to enjoy delicious local dishes.

But besides you only know that Mui Ne Phan Thiet is famous for its fishing villages, its fish sauce museum, its historical cradle, or its fresh seafood dishes. Are you sure you know all the typical dishes in Mui Ne Phan Thiet? Do you know the Top restaurants that are addicted to eating here?

In addition to the fact that nature favors Mui Ne Phan Thiet with a long and beautiful coastline, along with famous scenic spots, there are also many restaurants that attract tourists because of their excellent taste and special dishes. If you eat once, you will want to recommend to friends/family and come back many more times if you come to Mui Ne to travel.

Then, let’s prepare to save with Vietnam Car Rental below the top list of restaurants you must definitely go to, because eating is addictive in Mui Ne Phan Thiet.

Top delicious restaurants in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet is addicted to eating

To make the list of places to go when traveling in Mui Ne Phan Thiet, you can now switch to the list of must-visit restaurants when traveling here. You can go anywhere, enjoy the scenery anywhere, but first of all, you have to satisfy your hunger, or simply enjoy the deliciousness of specialty food.

Good Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Mui Ne Xua

If you like an extremely cozy and ancient space, you cannot ignore this Mui Ne Xua restaurant. This place specializes in serving specialty dishes, fresh seafood of Mui Ne in the past, plus it is wonderful to sit and enjoy those dishes in the space designed in the old style.

If you like an extremely cozy and ancient space, you cannot ignore this Mui Ne Xua restaurant.

Large space with the number of up to 400 seats, and a convenient location that is easy to find because it is next to the Fish Sauce Museum of Ancient Fishing Village and the Fishermen Show Legend of the Fishing Village, this restaurant is also opposite the restaurant. Mui Ne Deli.

A restaurant serves old dishes such as rice pot, Vietnamese rice, and a restaurant specializes in serving specialties, hot pot drop. You will have more choices for enjoying food during your trip to Mui Ne Phan Thiet.

** Address of Mui Ne Xua restaurant : 360 Nguyen Thong, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet City
** Phone number : 090 1111 666

Good Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Seahorse Bistro

If you are a person who likes to eat traditional dishes, then you have come to the right restaurant, this Seahorse Bistro restaurant is located on the premises of Seahorse & Spa, extremely easy to find because it is on the street. Nguyen Dinh Chieu is always busy and prosperous.

Good Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Seahorse Bistro
Good Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Seahorse Bistro

To evaluate the space here, you will find that the restaurant has an extremely airy and spacious garden space, you can completely feel the breeze from the sea rushing in very naturally and fresh. Next, the important point here is the food, the dishes on the restaurant’s menu will always make you feel satisfied when ordering.

From the typical specialties of the region of Mui Ne, Phan Thiet to the local rustic dishes such as hot pot, hot pot cake, grilled pork belly, squid … all seafood dishes here All are fresh ingredients carefully selected from the fishing village of Mui Ne for the chefs to make dishes to serve diners.

Come to Seahorse Bistro for yourself to enjoy delicious food, then sip a glass of quality red wine, that’s enough to have a great meal with friends. and family in the trip to Mui Ne Phan Thiet is more meaningful.

** Address of Seahorse Bistro restaurant : 21 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Quarter 1, Ham Tien, Phan Thiet city.
** Phone number : 0252 3847 507

Good Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Long Son Mui Ne Exotic

The next restaurant in the list of top restaurants that are addicted to eating when coming to Mui Ne Phan Thiet is Long Son Mui Ne Exotic restaurant. The first plus point for this restaurant is highly appreciated by travel followers and visitors who have visited, because this is a complex of extremely cool and beautiful outdoor dining areas.

With its location right next to the beach, the restaurant’s space is more poetic, making it an ideal space for family parties, or you can even hold a birthday party. Party on holidays and anniversaries are very appropriate and meaningful. Not only that, at this Long Son Mui Ne Exotic restaurant, you will also be delighted to discover the unique and rich culinary culture of this place.

This restaurant is famous for its carefully and selectively invested menu, from the luxurious Western European menu to the familiar specialties prepared in a new style to make the dishes strange but still delicious. keeping the essence of the sea such as: grilled squid teeth, Phan Thiet can cake, fried snakehead rolls with rice paper …

Even more special is that you can completely experience the feeling of eating hot pot dishes and grilling right at the table with charcoal, this experience will surely make you feel the dishes more interesting and different. compared to other places.

In addition, when coming to Long Son Mui Ne Exotic restaurant, besides eating and drinking, you can also immerse yourself in the cool air of the sea, helping the spirit to have moments of relaxation much more refreshing.

** Address of Long Son Mui Ne Exotic restaurant : Road 706, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet city.
** Phone number : 0252 3836 056

Delicious Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with  Mui Ne Deli

Continuing the list of top restaurants to visit when traveling to Mui Ne, this is the next name – Mui Ne Deli restaurant. Located in the grounds of the famous Fish Sauce Museum of Ancient Fishing Village throughout Phan Thiet, you will surely find this Mui Ne Deli restaurant easily.

Mui Ne Deli restaurant has a very special point as soon as you can see it, that is, the design of the restaurant is modeled on the model of an extremely unique large boat, the restaurant is inspired by boats reaching far from the sails of Phan Thiet fishermen from the past to the present.

In addition to the beautiful space, located next to the Fisherman Show Theater and the 3D Fishing Village Museum, you can fully take advantage of the time to visit the museum and enjoy the popular Fisherman show and then stop by the restaurant. Mui Ne Deli to enjoy delicious food.

The menu of Mui Ne Deli restaurant includes many specialties and famous seafood of this Phan Thiet land, you can enjoy the famous hot pot that is praised everywhere on a slightly chilly evening. . Or admire the harmonious combination of skillful and delicate chef’s hands to produce delicious dishes, such as Hong Kong steamed grouper, stingray with egg sauce, grilled cobia with salt and pepper, one-day squid. flaming charcoal grill…

All are fresh ingredients collected directly at Binh Thuan fishing grounds and processed immediately upon arrival. Have you completely trusted the quality of the food here?

With a fairly large house size, it often welcomes groups of tourists with large numbers from a few hundred to thousands of people coming to enjoy, with a large capacity, extremely large space, so you can rest assured because Dining here always feels comfortable. In addition, with the required arrangement, you can feel that the space is cozy, clean or luxurious and sophisticated can be met.

Just enjoy the delicious food and can comfortably take eye-catching pictures inside the restaurant, you will feel more comfortable and comfortable when the staff here serve extremely attentive and happy. and devoted.

** Address of Mui Ne Deli restaurant : 360 Nguyen Thong, Phu Hai, Phan Thiet city
** Phone number : 090 1111 666

Good restaurant in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Non Nuoc Resort

When you come to Non Nuoc Resort restaurant, you will immediately feel like it because it is designed with a space close to the sea, extremely airy and comfortable, in addition, Non Nuoc Resort restaurant is also built in an extremely luxurious aristocratic style. important.

Sitting in the middle of this space and then enjoying unique and exotic Asian-European-style dishes, fresh seafood dishes are also indispensable in the menu of this restaurant, surely this will also be an experience. unforgettable for you and your family during your trip to Mui Ne.

Recommended by the restaurant, this is a beautiful destination for you to enjoy the fresh sea air, both close and affordable, you can chat with family and friends, relax, enjoy a lot. Delicious food and listening to the sound of the waves crashing makes the soul comfortable.

Good restaurant in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Non Nuoc Resort

It is also considered that the dishes are fresh, traditional, and European as well, you can enjoy more than you think in a restaurant.

** Non Nuoc Resort restaurant address : 15 Lac Long Quan, Tien Thanh commune, Phan Thiet city
** Phone number : 0252 3846 999

Delicious Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Cay Bang

In the list of restaurants that are addicted to eating when traveling to Mui Ne, Phan Thiet also has the name Cay Bang restaurant. This restaurant will probably also be an ideal stop for you during your trip to Mui Ne Phan Thiet.

The first interesting point is that Cay Bang restaurant is located on 100m of coastline, so the restaurant owns an extremely cool space, you can experience the sea breeze, watch the waves, the blue sky, the harmony. yourself with nature.

After that, please indulge yourself with delicious dishes of the restaurant, enjoy the food here to know what a delicious feeling is hard to resist. From the main dish to the dessert of the restaurant, all of the chefs put their heart and soul into the implementation, making you fully acknowledge that you have entered the right restaurant to eat in Mui Ne.

Not only that, the team of professional chefs here always listen to customers’ opinions as well as always serve you the most special dishes from the freshest seafood.

** Address of Cay Bang restaurant : 2-4, Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Phu Hai ward, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet city
** Phone number : 0252 3847 009

Delicious Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Vietnam Home – Mui Ne

Vietnam Home Restaurant – Mui Ne has a very rich menu of dishes, mainly dishes with traditional flavors of the fishing village, and these dishes are also one of the indispensable choices. for you

In addition to a list of attractive dishes, Vietnam Home – Mui Ne restaurant also has unique features, that is, on Thursdays of every week, when you come to the restaurant, you will enjoy a buffet. Special crocodile meat.

** Address of Vietnam Home restaurant – Mui Ne : No. 125A, Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ham Tien Ward, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet City.
** Phone number : 0632 847 687

Good Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Mui Ne Forest

The last restaurant on the list of addicting restaurants in Phan Thiet Mui Ne is this “Forest” restaurant. There is an interesting uniqueness here, in addition to serving familiar seafood dishes, Forest Restaurant also specializes in serving dishes of the mountains.

With a forest-style design, you will feel impressed by the very simple raw brick walls, the dining tables are made of large wooden trunks of different shapes, or the ceramic vases. porcelain for the collection, and the unique loom.

You will definitely not be able to take your eyes off at this restaurant, every place feels green, enjoying the space of the mountains and forests between the sky and the sea, so there is nothing more wonderful than that.

** Address of Forest Restaurant : 65A Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ham Tien Ward, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet City.
** Phone number : 098 399 8749

So we have gone from restaurant to restaurant in the list of top restaurants to eat when traveling in Mui Ne Phan Thiet, from restaurants specializing in delicious fresh seafood dishes. to restaurants with unique menus from a combination of Asian and European styles, special specialties only available at the restaurant, or an extremely airy, warm and romantic space.

But above all, the dishes at these restaurants are in the top of irresistible delicious dishes, be sure to write them all down in your travel notebook to have the opportunity to come to Mui Ne Phan Thiet. Come to these restaurants to enjoy all the delicious food!

Delicious restaurant in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Love Sushi Lounge Cafe

Although it is a combination of lounge and coffee, there are also many dishes worth trying, especially for those of you who like Japanese-flavored dishes, and are passionate about sushi. Because in Mui Ne Phan Thiet, there is probably nothing available but fresh seafood that is extremely suitable for processing into Japanese sushi dishes.

That’s why Love Sushi Lounge Cafe will definitely make you have an interesting experience when dining here and there, in addition to the unique way of preparing dishes from skilled chefs along with a lot of preparation steps. The sophisticated and sophisticated dishes are worthy of the dish, accompanied by a special sauce made specifically for the sushi here.

The preparation and processing of sushi is very elaborate and the ingredients are always carefully selected to ensure you enjoy, sit in the middle of a very Japanese space, immerse yourself in feeling the warm closeness, mingle. With a simple architectural style that combines modern beauty and nostalgia, adding a little soft music will bring the emotions of diners in the right trajectory of great enjoyment that this restaurant desires.

Love Sushi Lounge Cafe’s menu has a lot of options that won’t make you awkward at all, which are vegetarian rice, chicken rice, seafood rice, vegetarian noodles, chicken noodles, seafood noodles, soup, salad, salmon sushi , sushi tuna, shrimp, squid, eel… and most of them are rice rolls, this dish has up to 30 different flavors for you to choose according to your taste and preferences.

In addition, the prices of the dishes are also quite reasonable, plus the good service quality and beautiful space, this place deserves to come and go every time you come to Phan Thiet.

** Love Lounge Cafe restaurant address : 169 – 171 Ton Duc Thang, Phan Thiet city

Good Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Dejavu

The first thing to mention is the impression of this DejaVu name, followed by the extremely idyllic and close feeling when you step into DejaVu restaurant. Designed to let people feel the breath of France, it has a sophisticated and polite exterior but hidden romance with a little bit of modernity.

You will have to admire the decoration from the tables and chairs to the textures on the walls, from the antique ceiling lamp to the flower basket placed on the table, which also exudes the atmosphere of the beautiful country of France. Along with this luxurious space, the quiet Acoustic music performed live at the restaurant will also make your dinner here more romantic.

Delicious Restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet with Dejavu

The food at DejaVu restaurant in terms of price is also quite reasonable and of good quality, you will enjoy dishes with bold flavors of European cuisine, interspersed with Asian dishes, especially Especially indispensable seafood dishes are processed extremely fresh and eye-catching.

Another difference of DejaVu restaurant is that the delicious restaurant in Mui Ne Phan Thiet has a separate space for children to play, so if you have children with you, it is also very convenient without fear of being disturbed or disturbed. disturb the surrounding guests enjoying the meal.

** Address of DejaVu restaurant : 21 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Phan Thiet city

Transport In Mui Ne

No matter how you arrive to a Mui ne the drivers will pick you up at hotelairporttrain or coach station. The rental commences from the moment you’re met, hence you immediately start saving on using public transport. Vey often the cost of the taxi from the airport will be very close to the daily car rental. At the end of your vacation in the city you will be taken back to the place of the departure.

Link : Mui Ne Car Rental


So I have sent you a list of delicious restaurants in Mui Ne Phan Thiet that everyone who comes must be ecstatic. If you have been to Phan Thiet Mui Ne and have enjoyed these places, what do you think? Does it deserve to be on this list? And if you have never been, let’s try with Mui Ne Car Rental once to enjoy and enjoy delicious food!


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