Where is Tam Thanh Mural Village located, how to get there, and what interesting things are there?

Tam Thanh Mural Village is located in a vibrant region with various fascinating and unique fairy tales. This village creates an impressive highlight for Quang Nam tourism. Let’s explore this destination and some tips with VnCarRentals.com before you go!

Introduction to Tam Thanh Mural Village.

Have you ever dreamt of immersing yourself in “giant” paintings, gazing at them endlessly, and capturing some perfect Instagram shots? Well, that dream can become a reality if you visit Tam Thanh Mural Village – Vietnam’s first mural village.

Tam Thanh Mural Village received a fresh new look thanks to the skillful and talented hands of Vietnamese and Korean artists, combining the beauty of Korean art with the rustic charm of the Central South region of Vietnam.

This art exchange project between the Korean and Vietnamese communities was organized and implemented by the People’s Committee of Tam Ky City and the Korea Foundation for International Cultural Exchange. The project was completed in about three weeks starting from June 2016.

The colorful paintings have given a fresh new look to Tam Thanh fishing village

Over 100 simple and familiar images have been painted on the walls of houses, taking you back to your childhood and evoking precious memories. The fences and pathways have been adorned with playful, colorful, and refreshing drawings. These murals have brought vibrancy and life to the alleys and streets of Tam Thanh Mural Village.

The lives of the people here seem to have turned to a new page, full of positive energy and relaxation like never before. As a result, Tam Thanh Mural Village has gained popularity and attracts many visitors who come to explore its charm.

Learn about Tam Thanh Mural Village’s location and how to get there.

This destination is not part of Danang’s tourism nor is it located in Hoi An, as many people mistakenly believe. So, where exactly is Tam Thanh Mural Village, and is it far and difficult to reach?

Where is Tam Thanh Mural Village?

According to research by #VnCarRentals, this mural village is situated in Tam Thanh Commune, Tam Ky City, Quang Nam Province. It is approximately 35 km away from Hoi An and about 70 km from the center of Danang.

Is it difficult to reach Tam Thanh Mural Village?

Previously, getting to the village required traveling along National Highway 1 to reach Tam Ky City. However, with improved transportation, the journey has become much easier.

  • If coming from Hoi An: Head towards Cua Dai Bridge, then continue straight to reach Tam Ky City. This route offers beautiful coastal scenery similar to those in Quang Binh or Binh Thuan.
  • If coming from Danang: From Danang to Tam Thanh Mural Village, travel along the stunning coastal road that leads to Hoi An. When you reach the intersection, continue straight towards Cua Dai Bridge. From there, confidently follow the road towards Tam Ky City.

As you approach Tam Ky City (approximately 30 km away), slow down. There will be a small road leading to Tam Thanh Commune, passing through a small market. Continue for a while, and you will arrive at the mural village.

If you are currently in Hoi An and looking for transportation to explore the Tam Thanh mural village, we offer car rental services with drivers in Hoi An. Our team of professional drivers with years of experience will ensure you have a safe and cost-effective trip.

Recommended transportation for visiting Tam Thanh Mural Village.

If you are a tourist visiting Hoi An and Danang, you can choose to rent a motorbike or car to get there.

Opting for a motorbike is suitable for those who prefer the freedom to explore, manage their own time and travel itinerary, especially for groups of friends who enjoy road trips together. Moreover, since the murals are scattered throughout the village, a motorbike is the most convenient way to see them all. If you arrive at Tam Thanh Mural Village by bus or stay in a guesthouse or homestay, you can easily rent a motorbike.

Choosing #VnCarRentals’ private tour vehicles will ensure your comfort and safety for the journey.

For international tourists traveling with family, including adults and children, it may be more convenient to rent a private tour car with a driver. And #VnCarRentals is a leading provider of car rental services with drivers in Danang and Hoi An. Renting a car to go to Tam Thanh Mural Village will save you a lot of time, allowing you to focus on enjoying the village’s murals rather than navigating public transportation. Book your trip now for a safe and economical journey.

How much is the admission ticket to Tam Thanh Mural Village?

Many people believe that with such a unique and attractive destination, adorned with numerous impressive murals, there would be an entrance fee for visiting.

However, the good news for tourists and young travelers planning to visit Tam Thanh Mural Village is that there is no admission ticket fee. You won’t have to pay any charges when visiting this location.

You won’t have to pay any fees when visiting this location.

That’s right! This destination is completely free to visit, with no entrance fees or parking fees. You can explore and take photos to your heart’s content without any cost.

Of course, the local residents around the village may offer some services such as refreshments, food, and local specialties as souvenirs. You can choose to support them by making a purchase if you wish.

The suitable time to check-in at Tam Thanh Mural Village.

Tam Thanh, being located in the Central region, has a climate that is not much different from other areas. To have a smooth trip and capture beautiful photos, it’s essential to choose the right time to visit.

Best time to visit Quang Nam’s Mural Village:

According to the recommendations of many people, the best time to visit Tam Thanh Mural Village is during the summer months. The period from March to September in the Gregorian calendar, when the weather in Tam Thanh is dry and cool, is ideal for planning a trip to explore the village.

Summer is the ideal time to visit the mural village

If you want to avoid having your plans disrupted by storms, make sure to avoid visiting during the latter part of the year. Going there on rainy days not only makes transportation difficult but also gives the village a more somber appearance due to the absence of sunlight.

It also becomes challenging to admire the beautiful wall murals clearly. Therefore, it’s advisable to check the weather forecast for Tam Thanh Hoi An a few days before your trip to make your travel plans more perfect.

Best time of the day to check-in at Tam Thanh Mural Village:

When visiting such a beautiful and attractive tourist destination, of course, you’d want to choose the right time of day to explore, right?

As the weather in Tam Ky can get quite hot, and the sun rises early, it’s recommended to visit before 8:00 AM or after 5:00 PM to avoid the scorching heat. Most importantly, this will help you avoid sweating too much, keeping you looking fresh in photos, without excessive glare during photography sessions.

See More: Tra Que Vegetable Village Hoi An – An interesting tourist destination

What’s interesting about Tam Thanh Mural Village?

After being beautifully rejuvenated, the coastal fishing village of Tam Thanh emerges as a completely new and vibrant destination. Quickly becoming a hot spot, it attracts many tourists, especially young travelers.

Strolling and exploring the vibrant “art museum”:

#VnCarRentals assures that anyone who sets foot in Tam Thanh Mural Village will be amazed and delighted. The village’s picturesque setting with numerous exquisite and creative art pieces is a sight to behold.

Walking around Tam Thanh Mural Village, you will discover many unique and unfamiliar things

Each painting depicts the everyday life of the fishing village, showcasing scenes like fishermen going out to sea, boats braving the waves, bustling fish markets, playful children, and marine creatures. The attention to detail and eye-catching color palette in each artwork is sure to captivate every visitor. Through these murals, you will gain a deeper understanding of the life and beauty of the coastal people.

Visiting the unique boat-shaped pathways:

In addition to the vivid paintings adorning various streets and alleys, the boat-shaped pathways in Tam Thanh Mural Village are a must-see attraction.

The unique boat-shaped pathway attracts many tourists

The fishing boats used by local fishermen have been beautifully painted by artists, showcasing their daily activities and fishing endeavors. Don’t forget to take a stroll along this pathway and capture some memorable pictures!

Instagram-worthy check-in moments in a fairytale-like village:

Visiting a village dubbed as a “fairytale paradise” with diverse and lively backgrounds like Tam Thanh Mural Village is an irresistible temptation for photo enthusiasts.

There are countless spots here for taking Instagram-worthy photos.

No matter where you stand in the village, you can easily capture 1001 high-quality photos to flaunt on social media. Make sure to bring your phone and fully charged battery to capture those beautiful shots.

Understanding the lives and activities of the fishing village:

Even though the mural village has brought many positive changes to the locals, providing better living conditions and sufficient resources, the essence of the fishing village lifestyle remains unchanged.

The life of the fishing village’s fishermen is also worth exploring and learning about.

People here still lead simple, light-hearted lives, and continue their diligent work. Visiting Tam Thanh Mural Village allows you to have meaningful conversations with friendly locals, gaining a deeper insight into the fishing village’s way of life. You can also join them in fishing activities, visiting fish markets, and experience the fascinating aspects of their daily routines.

Hotels and guesthouses to consider when visiting Tam Thanh Mural Village.

One fantastic aspect is that when you visit Tam Thanh Mural Village with a large group, you can choose to stay in the local villagers’ homes, which usually includes meals at a cost of around 500,000 – 700,000 VND depending on the number of people. However, if you prefer other options, here are some types of accommodations you can consider:

Homestays in Tam Thanh Mural Village:

In Trung Thanh hamlet, many locals have opened homestays to serve tourists. You can choose this option for convenience during your visit.

Staying in a homestay allows you to live and interact with the local community, and you might even share meals with them. This is an ideal and economical choice if you enjoy backpacking-style travel. You can choose from the following addresses:

  • AnnaBo Tam Thanh Beach House: Tam Thanh Mural Village, To Doan Ket No. 2, Trung Thanh hamlet, Tam Thanh commune, Tam Ky City, Quang Nam.
  • Blue Ocean Homestay: Located in the Tam Thanh Mural Village area, right near the entrance to Ha Thanh Beach, an additional 2 km to go.

Some hotels near Tam Thanh Mural Village:

For those who prefer not to stay in a homestay, there are still hotels for you to choose from. Room prices range from 300,000 to 700,000 VND per night. This type of accommodation is well-equipped, and the rooms are more spacious. You can consider booking a room at one of the following hotels:

  • Bao Han Hotel: 187/15A Phan Chau Trinh, Tam Ky City, Quang Nam.
  • Le Dung Hotel: 32 Tran Phu, Tan Thanh Ward, Tam Ky City, Quang Nam.
  • Tam Thanh Natural Beach Resort: Located near Tam Thanh Beach, Thanh Nien, Ha Thanh, Tam Ky City, Quang Nam.

There are also many other budget-friendly hotels in Tam Thanh and Tam Ky City that provide good accommodation, such as Hotel Phi Hung, Muong Thanh Grand Quang Nam, Bac Co Boutique Hotel, etc. Additionally, if you move closer to Tam Thanh Beach, you’ll find a variety of resorts, from high-end to budget, catering to the needs and budgets of every traveler.

What to eat and where to eat when visiting Tam Thanh Mural Village.

Delicious dishes to enjoy

After a long journey to Tam Thanh Mural Village, you’ll surely want to try the local delicacies to satisfy your appetite. Since Tam Thanh is a village in Quang Nam, the cuisine here shares similarities with typical dishes from the region, such as:

Seafood dishes.

As Tam Thanh is located by Tam Thanh Beach, the locals mainly rely on fishing for their livelihoods. Therefore, you can’t miss out on the fresh and delicious seafood dishes here. From steamed grouper, fried squid eggs, steamed clams, grilled fish, stir-fried water spinach with garlic, to boiled shrimp – all are fresh and reasonably priced.

The coastal area is known for its abundant and enticing seafood dishes.

Quang-style noodles (Mi Quang).

This is a specialty dish of Quang Nam – Da Nang region, widely known and loved by many. Mi Quang is a combination of soft and chewy rice noodles, tender chicken, sweet shrimp, fragrant peanuts, and crispy rice crackers.

When visiting Quang Nam, you must definitely try the famous dish called “Mì Quảng

With these simple ingredients, it captures the hearts of everyone who tastes it. The dish is typically served with fresh vegetables on the side.

Striped fish salad (Goi Ca Trich).

Tam Thanh Mural Village is also famous for its striped fish salad – a fresh and delicious sea fish caught by the local residents. After being caught, the fish is cleaned, thinly sliced, and quickly cooked with lime juice, mixed with spices such as salt, sugar, pepper, chili, and rice powder.

The dish has the fragrant aroma of rice powder, the crispy and sweet taste of seaweed and fish. The fragrant fish sauce blends perfectly with the tender and flavorful fish and other ingredients, making it an irresistible delicacy.

Apart from these dishes, if you have spare time to visit Tam Ky City, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy other local specialties such as chicken rice, cao lau, mango cakes, pho-like soup with seafood, grilled fermented pork rolls, and more.

See More: Top 10 Best Banh Mi shops in Hoi An, where you have to line up to buy because they are so delicious.

Where to eat in Tam Thanh Mural Village?

If you stay in a local’s home, you can ask the host to cook for you at a cost of around 50,000 – 70,000 VND per serving (the more people, the lower the price per serving). Rest assured that you will have delicious, home-cooked meals that are warm and simple.

Alternatively, you can head to nearby Tam Thanh Beach (about a 5-minute drive). There are many small eateries run by local people right by the beach.

Though not grand, these places offer a variety of dishes, ranging from ordinary meals to local specialties, especially seafood dishes. You can comfortably order your desired dishes without worrying about the price – not only are they affordable, but you won’t face overcharging here.

Traveling to Tam Thanh Mural Village and other important notes.

In addition to the information above, if you plan to visit this mural village, take note of the following to ensure a joyful trip and capture beautiful photos:

  • Before going, it’s a good idea to read about the story of Tam Thanh Mural Village’s establishment and interesting facts about the village to have a more fascinating perspective of the place you are going to explore.
  • Tam Thanh Mural Village is a project invested not only for tourism development but also to convey a message of environmental protection. Therefore, when visiting, make sure not to litter or deface the walls with graffiti.
  • Bring bottled water instead of soft drinks to avoid getting thirsty during your walking tour. You can also pack some snacks to keep you energized when feeling hungry.
  • The weather in Quang Nam during sunny seasons can be quite hot. Apply sunscreen, bring a jacket, hat, and cap to protect your skin from getting dark.
  • You don’t need to worry about food and accommodation as the locals are very friendly and willing to assist you when needed.

These are the details about Tam Thanh Mural Village. Although it may not be an entirely new destination, if you haven’t been there yet, I recommend visiting once to witness the mesmerizing murals and take some amazing “Instagram-worthy” photos. Rest assured, it won’t disappoint you.



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