
Experience moving from Da Nang to Ba Na Hill. How to go from the center of Da Nang to Ba Na Hills? By what means? How long does it take?How far is it from Da Nang to Ba Na? You are a tourist from afar to Da Nang, of course you will not know the way in Da...
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The distance from Da Nang City to Hue City center is only about 100km, so there are many convenient and easy ways to travel for you to choose. Today, Vietnam Car Rental will summarize the means for you to easily choose and have a safe and economical journey. Follow in our footsteps. Requirements when choosing a...
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Are you wondering and looking for the best Ba Na Hills restaurant? Each restaurant here will bring visitors a lot of emotions with traditional Vietnamese culinary culture and European culture. Let’s take a look at the top 10 Ba Na Hills restaurants that sell the best buffet The best Ba Na Hills restaurant – Lavender A name belonging to...
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Are you preparing to travel to Da Nang and have not found a suitable place to stay? Da Nang has many international-class hotels but the prices are quite affordable. Let’s join Vietnam Car Rental to list the 10 most voted 5-star hotels in Da Nang to make your vacation more interesting! 1.Muong Thanh Luxury Da Nang Address: 270 Vo Nguyen...
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Da Nang is the convergence of many beautiful and unique tourist attractions attracting thousands of visitors, especially in those places there are the appearance of sacred temples with impressive design style. attention of many visitors. Especially among them is Linh Ung Pagoda in Da Nang . In Da Nang, there are 3 pagodas with the same name as Linh Ung Pagoda ,...
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Love Lock Bridge Da Nang is a tourist attraction attracting tourists by its poetic beauty and each padlock hanging on the bridge is a romantic love story of a couple. In the couple’s trips to Da Nang, the place chosen by many couples to keep beautiful memories of love is the Da Nang Love Bridge . This place...
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Speaking of Da Nang tourism , we will immediately think of a dynamic city, with countless interesting entertainment places and beautiful landscapes. Not only attracted by poetic beaches, luxurious resorts, but Da Nang also has amazingly beautiful virtual living places. One of them must be the 3D painting museum in Da Nang . So where is this museum located? How much is the...
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You are planning to travel to Da Nang but are still confused and worried because you do not know which hotel to choose with reasonable price but quality. Here are the hotels that Vietnam Car Rental introduces and shares with you extremely useful experiences when traveling to Da Nang , so stay in a hotel with a good price that...
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The unspoiled beauty of Man Thai Beach in Da Nang is second to none. Coming to this beach, you will be immersed in nature, enjoy the cool water and not be disturbed by sea services. Then how to move here, invite you to explore. Where is Man Thai Beach in Da Nang? Man Thai is located on Hoang Sa street,...
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Da Nang city is known as the livable city of Vietnam. Not only, this place attracts tourists from all over the world but also attracts international visitors. One of the places worth visiting is the Han market in Da Nang . So what features does the Han market have that attract so many visitors? Where is Da Nang Han Market? Located...
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