How far is it from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet? The most affordable means of transportation.

How far is it from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet ? And how much time? Always the most asked question before starting a journey. Because they are both in the Central region, these two tourist destinations are almost not too far apart. So what is the exact distance, let’s read the article to know exactly.

How far is it from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet? Going for a long time?

How far is it from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet ? According to the map of Vietnam, Nha Trang is located nearly 220km from Phan Thiet, the distance is not too far, so it only takes about 4-5 hours if you go by car, and 6-7 hours for motorbikes. The road to travel between these two tourist cities is quite easy to go and has many beautiful roads, those who intend to go backpacking can try their way below to hunt more beautiful scenes.

Choosing a reasonable route, avoiding getting lost, no matter how many kilometers away from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet, you can easily conquer it. With two main roads to go from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet that are easy to go and the most well known are QL1A and QL27C. If you choose to travel on QL27C, the distance will be a bit longer, but in return you can see the beautiful roads right in front of you.

How far is it from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet? The most affordable means of transportation.

Directions from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet

Because from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet, although not too far, but not too close, the suggestion for you is that you can divide this road into several sections, easy for conquering without being too tired. Depart from Nha Trang to Phan Rang to rest for a while and then depart to Phan Ri Cua to rest for the last time and then continue to conquer Mui Ne, Phan Thiet. Such a journey will help save a lot of energy, and if you go two people, you can exchange talents.

The most reasonable means of transportation from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet

Traveling By Private Car Rental With Driver

Want to travel around Nha Trang for a business, leisure or airport trip? Vietnam Car Rentals provides a private car hire with a driver in Nha Trang , so you can travel in comfort and safety. Our experienced drivers will take you to every corner of the city in our modern cars, guaranteeing you get to your destination on time. All chauffeurs are professional drivers, giving you peace of mind. Hire a reliable car with a skilled driver today and enjoy your travel

See More: Nha Trang Car Rental With Driver

Traveling by bus

Buses are almost the most used means of transportation for tourists when coming to this place. Many garages and flexible time frames help you be more active in your trip. Some garages that you can refer to:

  • Hai Tuan Limousine garage: 15-seat high-quality car, ticket price is 300,000 VND.
  • Tam Hanh bus: 40-seat sleeper bus, ticket price is 120,000 VND
  • Phuong Nam garage: 40-seat sleeper bus, ticket price is 120,000 VND
  • Ha Linh garage: 40-seat sleeper bus, ticket price is 120,000 VND
Traveling from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet by bus

Traveling by train

If you do not like to take a bus, you can choose the train as a means of transportation in your trip. By train, you do not need to worry about the distance from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet anymore, the speed of travel is fast and the time is flexible, you only need to take 4 hours to get there.

How many kilometers does it take to move a super-fast train without worrying from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet?
How many kilometers does it take to move a super-fast train without worrying from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet?

Currently, trains from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet have an average of about 5 trips per day, the price is not too expensive, ranging from 130,000 VND to 450,000 VND depending on the seat.

Traveling by taxi

Taxi is also considered as one of the means of transportation from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet, but I do not recommend you to choose this vehicle because the price is quite expensive. The price to rent a taxi from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet can range from 1,100,000 VND to 1,400,000 VND, but if you go in a group of 4 people, you can also consider it.

Traveling by personal vehicle

Traveling by private vehicle from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet will be an interesting and rewarding experience of youth. Going on the QL27C road, you will encounter many beautiful scenes with unique roads, remember to bring water and food to rest along the way. Well, you should go in such a large group to have fun and avoid more risks.


No matter how far away is the distance from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet , it will not be difficult for you to choose a suitable means of transportation and a good companion. Hope what I share above will be useful for your upcoming trip.

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