Top 22 places to hunt clouds in Da Lat as beautiful as heaven

Da Lat is not only an attractive tourist destination. It is also a place for you to enjoy quiet moments. Especially when looking at the silver clouds crossing the sky every morning in the city. Below, Son Tra Tourism will introduce to you 22 extremely attractive places to hunt for clouds in Da Lat .

What is so attractive about the place to hunt clouds in Da Lat?

Da Lat is known as the city covered in fog, surrounded by clouds and mountains all year round. The misty mornings are like a muse who often visits the mountain town. Create a scene that is both majestic and poetic like a charming watercolor painting.

Da Lat is a cloud hunting paradise not to be missed in Vietnam

Because of that, Da Lat has become one of the famous “cloud hunting paradise” of Vietnam. Becoming the destination of many tourists who love to watch the dreamy sky like heaven. See the moment when Da Lat is engulfed in glorious white clouds.

However, to have a wonderful journey to hunt clouds in Da Lat. You need to find out in detail about the time and the most attractive places to hunt for clouds in Dalat . And all will be introduced to you by Son Tra Tourism right here!

What is Dalat cloud hunting?

Hunting clouds in Da Lat is a journey to the region where clouds appear near the ground. The clouds you want to hunt are the accumulation of water under certain pressure and temperature that will form clouds.

Usually at low temperatures below 22 degrees Celsius and no less than 3 degrees Celsius will be cloudy. If the temperature is too low, ice will form on the ground and snow will form.

Hunting clouds in Da Lat also means that you need to get up very early. Race against the sun to see the endless sea of ​​white clouds in the highlands.

After that, enjoy the chilly atmosphere and experience a wonderful feeling. You will be standing on the top of a high mountain, at the foot are white clouds floating. And take stunning photos like being in paradise.

What are the conditions for hunting rattan in Dalat?

In order for the journey to Dalat rattan hunting sites to be smooth and successful, you need to prepare and learn thoroughly. Consists of:

  • See the weather to predict during the journey whether it will be cloudy at the destination. Clouds often appear when there is drizzle, the night temperature is low and the day is high, the day is sunny, so there are beautiful clouds.
  • Before hunting clouds, you need to know the weather and pay attention to the humidity in the area you want to hunt.
  • Understand the direction and terrain to know the direction of the sunrise, the direction. Besides, the viewing angle or shooting angle, terrain and other supporting factors. You can learn these points from Google Map and Google Earth.
  • Besides, when you arrive at the actual location, you need to improvise. But if you prepare well, it won’t take long and can capture great moments.
  • Most of the rattan hunting spots in Da Lat are located far from the city center. Therefore, you should prepare enough information to avoid possible troubles during your trip.

What to prepare when coming to Dalat rattan hunting site?

In addition to the process of finding out detailed information, you also need to prepare details before hunting rattan. To make the journey of hunting clouds go smoothly and successfully.

  • For photographers, preparing a camera, lens, and filter is also very important to hunt beautiful clouds. If you use a phone, make sure it is always fully charged.
  • Always prepare warm clothes, because the weather in Dalat early in the morning is very cold. Clothing should also be neat for easy movement. You can bring a skirt to change into when taking photos if you choose a suitable location.
  • In particular, it is recommended to wear dark, anti-slip shoes to move easily on dangerous and foggy roads.

What season should you hunt for clouds in Da Lat?

In order to have a successful cloud hunting trip , visitors must carefully check the weather forecast of the Dalat cloud hunting site before coming. The best time to hunt clouds in Da Lat is from October to April. When the winter is cold and spring is warmer, the possibility of seeing the sea of ​​clouds is highest.

Besides, when the weather turns to autumn and winter, Da Lat also becomes colorful with flowers. At the same time, the morning sky will be clear blue with white clouds floating. The golden rays of sunshine will visit the mountains and hills. All of them are ideal for rattan hunting and Dalat tourism.

Coming here at this time, you can enjoy the peace amidst a carpet of floating clouds. Or you can take photos that keep unforgettable memories.

At what time do clouds in Dalat appear?

Hunting Dalat rattan is not a piece of cake to eat right away but requires high effort and patience. A “cloud hunter” has to wake up very early to find an ideal location with a panoramic view. Waiting for the dawn to rise and the sun to gently cast its shadow on the splendid sea of ​​clouds.

Da Lat is a tropical climate, it will be cold in the morning and evening and hot in the afternoon. Therefore, the most perfect time to hunt clouds is in the early morning, from 4:00 to 5:30 am. To have great moments of this journey, you should carefully calculate the time and go early to the Dalat cloud hunting site to avoid crowds.

The immense sea of ​​clouds appeared for only a few minutes and then turned into a dense fog that stretched across space. Time to hunt down this amazing natural phenomenon becomes extremely valuable. So, capture every moment and every second in the cloud hunting process.

Especially, if your cold tolerance is good, then from late October to early January next year is the best time. At this time, the weather in Da Lat is quite cold and high humidity, the time of clouds and dew lasts longer.

Means of transportation to the place of hunting clouds in Dalat

Motorbikes are the best means of transport for your journey to Da Lat rattan spots . If you cannot bring a motorbike with you, you can choose to rent a reputable motorbike in Da Lat.

In particular, you should pay attention to fill up the fuel tank before hunting clouds. Da Lat gas stations usually do not open early in the morning, so fill up the night before. If you rent a motorbike, you can contact the car rental company to fill the gas tank for you.

See More: Dalat Car Rental With Driver

If you want to become a professional “cloud hunter”, don’t miss the great places below. In addition to admiring the beauty of the clouds floating in the sky. You can create extremely unique works of art under the peaceful sunrise of Da Lat.

Review of 11 famous Dalat rattan hunting places

With an altitude of more than 1,500m, the climate is cool and pleasant all year round, Da Lat is always known as the “foggy city”. In recent years, Da Lat tourism has attracted a large number of tourists, especially young people who come to “hunt” white clouds more and more. Here are the beautiful places to hunt clouds like a fairy scene in Da Lat.

1. Da Phu Hill

  • Address: Ward 7, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Da Phu Hill is located about 10km from the city center, currently a “hot” cloud hunting destination. You can come here in the evening to camp overnight and get up in the morning to hunt clouds or get up early to move up the hill. The best time to see the sea of ​​clouds in Da Phu is from 5:00 am to 6:00 am.

To get to the place to hunt for clouds in Da Lat , Da Phu hill, you start from the center of Da Lat city, go in the direction of Ankroet. Then, turn right onto Da Phu Street and continue to follow alley 1 Da Phu will see a slope.

You continue along that slope to go up the hill or park your car at the bottom of the hill and walk up. Visitors hunting clouds, taking photos in Da Phu will not be charged.

2. Thien Phuc Duc Hill

  • Address: Ward 7, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Thien Phuc Duc Hill is the easiest and closest place to hunt for clouds in Dalat, but the clouds here are harder to see than other places. Here you can park your car at the bottom of the hill to walk up. In addition to the mountain and city scenery, if you can’t hunt for clouds, you can still watch a very beautiful sunrise.

The sea of ​​pure white clouds at Thien Phuc Duc hill

You can move from Da Lat market, go through Thanh Mau street. Then run into Thien Phuc Duc driving school and then go a little further to get there.

3. Bald Hill

  • Address: DT25 Street, Lac Duong District, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Bald Hill is also known as Bride Hill because there are always couples choosing to take wedding photos, especially at the end of the year. And also a place to hunt clouds in Dalat and watch the ideal sunrise. Trol Hill is located about 10km from the city center.

The beauty of the sea of ​​clouds at Da Lat’s Troc Hill

Coming here, you will take great photos as the sun begins to rise. The most suitable time is around 5am to 5:30am, when the first rays of the day pass through the canopy.

From Da Lat city, you go in the direction of Golden Valley tourist area, turn right to the gate of the resort. Go through the pink grass hill and go straight to the hill ahead. You can drive straight up the hill, bare hill with no entrance fee.

4. Trai Mat Hill

  • Address: Ward 11, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Trai Mat Dalat is known as a place to grow agricultural products with a large number of vegetables and fruits. However, this place also offers an experience like being in the clouds. Trai Mat is considered the most cloudy place in Da Lat.

The place to hunt clouds in Da Lat Trai Mat is located about 7km from the city center, this place is known as the heavenly road. The steep pass here is quite winding, on the way to Trai Mat, you will see clouds floating like a fairyland.

Hunting clouds in Trai Mat must go early in the morning. When the roads, vegetable beds, or houses are rolling, floating next to the clouds. From the cold to the sun, while hunting clouds and enjoying a peaceful moment, everything gradually awakens to appear green pine hills.

Around 5:00 am to 6:00 am, Trai Mat appears extremely attracting all eyes and all senses. Around this time, the entire farm was covered in a floating white mist.

In particular, for those who love photography, you will surely have a great set of photos among the floating, fanciful clouds.

5. Cau Dat tea hill

  • Address: Cau Dat Hamlet, Xuan Truong Commune, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Cau Dat tea hill is located about 25km from the city center, is the most favorite check-in point when coming to Da Lat. At the tea hill, there are 2 places to hunt for rattan in Da Lat , the wooden bridge and the wooden carpet, but the wooden carpet has been removed.

With an altitude of 1600m above sea level, higher than the average level of Da Lat, Cau Dat often has fog in the morning and evening. Therefore, this place becomes an extremely ideal cloud hunting spot to watch the sea of ​​clouds floating.

Check in at the wooden bridge to hunt rattan in Cau Dat tea hill

The wooden bridge hunting clouds in Cau Dat is suspended high above the dense white clouds. You should come here early in the morning from 5:00 to 6:30, when clouds and dawn begin to embrace each other. Create an extremely spectacular moment like you are floating in the clouds.

Usually, visibility depends on the weather. But when the weather is cold and the humidity is high, the possibility of a sea of ​​clouds appearing is great. Currently, in Cau Dat tea hill, there is an additional place of Cloud hunting paradise. To come here, you can contact travel agencies to book a tour.

6. Du Sinh Hill

  • Address: 143 Y Dinh, Ward 4, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Du Sinh Hill is about 6km from the center of Da Lat city. From the city center, you follow Huyen Tran Cong Chua street, past Du Sinh cemetery, you have to climb a rather large slope to reach the top of the hill. From Du Sinh hill, you will have a panoramic view of Da Lat in the morning mist.

Photography enthusiasts often wake up before dawn and make their way to this Dalat cloud hunting site very early. Here, you have to wait patiently for nature to work its magic.

The way to the top of Du Sinh hill is not easy and simple. But all the troubles are forgotten when the scene of clouds and sky stretches with amazing beauty here.

7. Hon Bo Peak

  • Address: Ward 12, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Hon Bo Peak is one of the highest points in Dalat with a height of 1709m above sea level. Looking down from here, you can witness the panoramic view of the beautiful city with majestic mountains and vast green forests.

From the city center, you go through Da Lat station in the direction of Huynh Tan Phat street and you will see the campsite. There will be a fork here, you turn along the trail to the top of Hon Bo. The last part is only for strong riders, otherwise you should park and walk.

Hon Bo peak is also a familiar camping spot for young people who love backpacking, from the camping point to the top of the road it is a bit difficult to go because of the slope. But when you reach the top, you can see the scenery of Da Lat in the mist, the sea of ​​clouds running under your feet and the sparkling sunshine.

8. Pinhatt Peak

  • Address: Ward 4, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Pinhatt Peak is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Dalat in recent years. This is not only an ideal Dalat rattan hunting spot but also an extremely interesting overnight camping site.

Pinhatt Peak is 1,691m high, from the top tourists will have the opportunity to see the whole city hidden under a sea of ​​thick clouds. If there are no clouds, you can have a panoramic view of Da Lat city below with Tuyen Lam lake, Langbiang peak, …

You can choose to reach the top of Pinhatt by climbing. Or ride a motorbike through the road of Darahoa village with rows of red pine trees lined with orchids. Then, set up a tent to rest overnight by the campfire, wake up early in the morning to watch the clouds amidst the wild landscape.

9. Langbiang Peak

  • Address: Langbiang Road, Lac Duong Town, Lac Duong District, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Langbiang Peak is considered the roof of Da Lat, located at an altitude of 2100m. This place is also the best place to hunt Dalat clouds that you can discover when visiting the flower city.

For those who like comfort and leisure, cars and motorbikes are the right means to go to the top of Langbiang. Moreover, backpackers will not be disappointed with this journey. If walking to the top, it will take you 3 to 4 hours.

Vast white clouds on top of Langbiang

Langbiang Peak is 12km from the city center, you can come here from afternoon to set up camp overnight and the next morning to hunt clouds or get up early to run up here to see the clouds around the hill.

The best place to hunt clouds at Langbiang Peak is Radar Peak. From the top of Langbiang Mountain Radar, you can see the whole scene of misty valley, floating lake below and ideal cloud hunting.

10. Golden Stream Lake

  • Address: Dankia Hamlet, Lat Commune, Lac Duong District, Lam Dong, Vietnam

This famous Golden Stream Lake is located in the Golden Valley of Da Lat, 20km from the city center. The space is vast and very peaceful, there is a lonely pine tree next to the lake, so young people come to visit a lot. Besides, this is also one of the beautiful places to hunt clouds in Da Lat like a fairy scene.

White clouds floating in the sky at Suoi Vang Lake

Normally, the atmosphere here is very quiet, if you come in the early morning when the clouds cover the path covered with hills, it is even more impressive. Bringing a feeling of relaxation around the mountains and forests that everyone wants to be immersed in forever.

Suoi Vang Lake is a familiar tourist destination in Da Lat that is loved by many young people. And also an ideal cloud hunting spot for young people who have a passion for photography. With just a good camera, you can take thousands of “lifetime” photos.

11. Doi May Da Lat tourist area

  • Address: Tuy Son Hill, Tuy Son 2 Hamlet, Xuan Tho Commune, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Da Lat Clouds Hill is a very famous place to hunt for clouds in Dalat . The clouds floating in Cloud Hill are so thick that they cover most of the scene. In the middle of a foggy morning, in the brilliant dawn, there will be moments when you see this place as beautiful as a paradise.

At the same time enjoy all the scenes that cannot be described in detail. You will be delighted to record beautiful pictures in every moving moment in this impressive space.

Doi May tourist area has an area of ​​​​up to 1.5 hectares. Besides hunting clouds, taking pictures, you can also watch beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Besides, there are many interesting outdoor activities such as camping, campfire, enjoying Dalat cuisine, etc.

Top 8 places to hunt clouds in Da Lat with fragrant coffee

If you want to enjoy peace and quiet under a carpet of pure white clouds. Feel free to enjoy fragrant cups of coffee, sweet milk tea cups. Then can not ignore the famous Dalat rattan hunting cafes below!

12. Wind Coffee Cau Dat

  • Address: National Highway 20, Xuan Truong Commune, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Gio Cau Dat is one of the cafes in Da Lat with a classic “chic” style from the layout to the surrounding landscape. Around the shop are green pine hills, below are valleys and tea hills. Makes anyone coming here just want to sit back and watch nature forever.

Especially in the early morning when there are clouds, the view is obscured, making everything become illusory but making the beautiful scenery in front of the eyes much more attractive. This is a place to hunt clouds in Da Lat you should not miss if you want to find a place to relax with friends and check in with the sea of ​​white clouds.

13. Horizon Cafe

  • Address: No. 31/6 Ba Thang 4 Street, Ward 3, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Horizon Cafe is considered a very popular cloud cafe in Da Lat recently. A paradise of coffee and cloud hunting in the mountain town hidden among the vast pine forest.

The beauty here is full of art that makes everyone admire at first sight. The peaceful scene of the restaurant makes you just want to sit forever to enjoy the clouds, an impressive place to hunt for clouds in Da Lat . At the same time enjoy the moment of fanciful nature without dust.

14. Two A Cafe

  • Address: No. 77 Sao Nam, Ward 11, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Hai A Cafe is a combination of homestay, cafe & bakery with the irresistible beautiful decor of Da Lat. There is a small garden with lovely wooden tables and chairs located on a high hill. Very cool, suitable for resting, relaxing and enjoying a cup of coffee.

Come here in the morning, you can watch the clouds floating, take unique and unique photos. In the afternoon you will be watching the sunset. Gather together with friends to organize a BBQ party in the cold weather, sing together and enjoy the taste of Da Lat.

15. Panorama Cafe

  • Address: Roundabout 732, Trai Mat, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Panorama Cafe has a very beautiful 360-degree view due to its completely glass design. From every angle here you can see the whole city.

This is also the ideal place to hunt clouds in Dalat for those who want a wide view. The space is full of modern, romantic, serving delicious drinks.

If you come early in the morning to breathe in the fresh air, you can watch the clouds drift by romantically. Evening at Panorama Cafe is also great.

At night, you will not be able to resist the beauty of the city when the light below shimmers fancifully. It’s like you’re admiring the city of light right in front of your eyes.

16. Bear Garden Cafe

  • Address: No. 02 Tran Quang Dieu Street, Ward 10, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Gau Garden Cafe is a famous rattan hunting place in Da Lat with a powerful rattan chair, just sit in and have beautiful photos immediately. The view of the restaurant is very beautiful, attracting the passion of exploring the city at first sight.

The famous rattan chair of Gau Garden Cafe

The scene at Gau Garden Cafe is lyrical with seats to enjoy cool coffee. Every moment of interference between heaven and earth at dawn or dusk is extremely wonderful. Especially when clouds cover the mountains and hills, creating a perfect and beautiful picture.

17. The Diff House’s

  • Address: No. 67/3 Dat Lang Street, Xuan Truong, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

The Diff House’s is located near Cau Dat area, which is a beautiful Da Lat rattan hunting place frequented by many young people in the city. If you have the opportunity, go to The Diff House’s to sit on the balcony, order a hot coffee and relax watching the scenery.

The vast sea of ​​white clouds floating at The Diff House’s

When the clouds around the shop just appeared, the pine tree in the distance will be an unforgettable sight. In addition, watching the sunset on the mountain in the late afternoon here is also very impressive.

18. Bohemian Cafe

  • Address: No. 1B Hoang Hoa Tham, Da Lat city, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Bohemia Cafe was opened in December 2019 and is famous for its super beautiful view. It is a place to hunt for clouds in Da Lat with unique views. This cafe has a view of the majestic mountains, where you can hunt for clouds and admire the sunrise or sunset.

This place impresses visitors by the wooden bridge with a beautiful view of the valley with pine forests, mountains and small houses in the distance. It is a place to take pictures with beautiful clouds and sky for “living clothes” believers.

Beautiful space at Bohem Cafe Da Lat

In addition, the cafe offers a wide range of drinks from coffee to cocktails. There is plenty of room for people to sit outdoors and indoors. Here you can enjoy delicious drinks in a romantic setting.

19. F Flower Field Café

  • Address: Mimosa Pass, Ward 10, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

F Flower Field Café located at the end of Mimosa Pass possesses a beautiful and green view. The most attractive thing at F Flower Field Café is the wide open space with countless flowers. From hydrangeas, borage, butterfly flowers to roses, heather, …

F Flower Field Café is a beautiful place to hunt for clouds

When coming here, you will enjoy the real taste of the city of thousands of flowers. If you can wake up early, F Flower Field Café is an attractive spot for hunting clouds and morning dew in Da Lat. The cafe has a wide variety of drinks at affordable prices. Besides, there are countless super beautiful photography backgrounds.

3 very chill places to hunt clouds in Dalat right at your place

In Da Lat, no need to go far, you can still enjoy the sea of ​​clouds right at the resort. Those are the very best and unique homestays in the city of thousands of flowers. The floating sea of ​​clouds combined with the blooming flowers of the homestay has created a beautiful natural picture “forgetting the way home”.

20. Binh Yen House

  • Address: Group 7, Da Loc Hamlet, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Binh Yen House is one of the great destinations for hunting clouds in Da Lat. Located 12km from the center of Trai Mat, as the name suggests, this place is strangely peaceful. Binh Yen House consists of unique thatched-roofed wooden houses on a hilltop. In the distance is a flower garden located next to a beautiful valley.

Hunting for clouds is simpler at Binh Yen House

When you wake up early in the morning, you can easily admire a fairy-like beauty right in front of your eyes. The rays of the sun peeking out from behind the attractive white clouds will surely make you amazed. This is the ideal place to hunt for clouds in Da Lat for tourists who do not want to go far.

21. The KUPID Dalat no single

  • Address: No. 47 Dang Thai Than Street, Ward 3, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

The KUPID Dalat no single is located just 2.5km from the city center. This is an extremely popular homestay in Da Lat because of its spacious garden, and comfortable services.

A special feature here is that you can comfortably hunt clouds right in your room. The rooms in The KUPID Dalat no single are designed with glass with a wide view of the mountains and the poetic landscape.

Hunting clouds right in the room of The KUPID Dalat no single

At The KUPID Dalat no single, you can wake up early to watch the sea of ​​clouds drift indifferently. Witness the dew drops on the pine branches. Or immerse yourself in the peaceful, fresh and relaxing space in the cold weather of Da Lat.

22. Owl in the Tree

  • Address: No. 37 Dang Thai Than Street, Ward 3, Da Lat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Owl on the Tree is a very famous romantic homestay of Da Lat. This homestay is located at the bottom of a small slope and is suspended in the middle of a green pine forest. Bringing a peaceful, comfortable and fresh resort space. And also a famous place for hunting clouds in Da Lat with perfect view.

Coming here, you not only enjoy a wonderful overflowing atmosphere. But also have unique visions. From the Owl in the Tree, you can see the green valley hidden among the white clouds.

In addition to possessing a beautiful view, Owl on the Tree also has countless romantic scenes to take pictures. Coming here, you don’t need to go far to “live virtual”. But right at the homestay, there are backgrounds available for you to check in.

Important note when coming to Dalat cloud hunting site

In order for your rattan hunts to be the most perfect, you should pay attention to a few issues after cloud hunting:

  • The best time to take pictures in Da Lat is from 5am to 7am. The most beautiful is at 5 am, the sun has not yet risen, try to keep the color, each day a different shade. Therefore, if you rent a hotel in the center, you need to depart at 4:15 am.
  • Make sure your health is always in good condition. If you do not have experience walking or climbing. Practice on steep terrain before getting ready for more challenging rides.
  • During the journey, you will lose a lot of strength and sweat. Therefore, bring water to replenish and continue the journey.
  • You can prepare a specialized walking stick to support your body weight when climbing up or downhill.
  • A tent for camping halfway up the mountain or at the top if you intend to spend the night.
  • Raincoats and windbreakers are also indispensable items in case the weather is not as expected when hunting clouds.

Thick white clouds have become one of the hallmarks of Da Lat. A place where you can go to enjoy a different beauty of the city. So, do not miss the places to hunt for clouds in Da Lat that Son Tra introduced above if you have the opportunity to visit the foggy city!


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